Implementing Campaign Manager - System Management

Customizing the news panel

The News Panel is the on the right hand side of the screen in Campaign Central. By default it shows how to access the FAQ's and the help file. The main panel can be customized to show site-specific content.

All data for the news items are contained in the Client database in the table named AL.NewsIndex. The fields and associated items are displayed below:

ID Autogenerated
GroupName Allows you to group similar items together.
Caption The caption which appears for the item.
Description The longer text under the description.
LinkURL The URL launched when you click More.
VideoURL The URL launched when you click on the preview image.
Created Auto generated (the date the item was created).
isVideoLibrary If this is set to "1", the video ONLY appears in the video library. If this is set to "0" it appears in the news window AND in the video library.
VideoPreview Image The image link which displayed. Note that this is actually the binary representation of the image and should be kept small (less than 5K).
Enabled If this is 1 the item will be shown. If it is 0 then it will not be displayed.

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